At Smart Start Childcare and Learning Center, we take great pride in creating a warm, home-like atmosphere that feels safe, secure, clean, and organized. Our commitment to maintaining a happy and comfortable environment is paramount.
We offer spacious classrooms with smaller class sizes and low child-to-teacher ratios, ensuring that each child receives the attention they deserve. Our qualified staff supervises children at all times, providing a secure and nurturing space for learning and growth.
Parents are always welcome to visit during operating hours, and we encourage them to review our childcare program plan. This comprehensive plan is developed, reviewed, and updated annually by our qualified team and is readily available upon request. Your involvement and feedback are important to us as we strive to create the best possible experience for your child.
Outdoor Classroom
The learning that takes place in our outdoor classroom integrates seamlessly across various subject areas, fostering a natural and engaging learning experience that captivates children. Serving as an extension of our indoor classroom and indoor gym, this vibrant outdoor space creates a physical and social environment where children feel welcomed, trusted, and respected. Here, they can explore, collaborate, and thrive, further enriching their educational journey.
The outdoor classroom offers a vibrant space for natural learning, where children actively engage in growing and caring for a variety of flowers and vegetables they have planted and harvested themselves. This hands-on experience fosters a deep connection to nature and teaches valuable lessons about responsibility, patience, and the joy of nurturing life.
We are proud to offer one of the few infant-only outdoor classrooms in the area. This dedicated space allows our youngest learners to engage with a natural environment tailored specifically for them. It encourages exploration and the opportunity to try new things while ensuring their safety in a secluded setting, away from older, more mobile children. Additionally, this arrangement fosters closer interactions with teachers, enhancing the overall learning experience for our infants.